PV Ride – Flat 47.7 cw (47.7 miles, 1399 ft)

PV Ride - Flat 47.7 cw (47.7 miles, 1399 ft)


Saturday – Mar 4, 2023    
9:00 am

Event Type


The forecast is for temperatures from 37F to 40F, overcast with light rain.

Main Route: Flat 47.7 cw (47.7 miles, 1399 ft). Map

Short Route: Flat 39.4 cw (39.4 miles, 1017 ft). Map

Note that not all speed groups may have ride leaders for all routes.

Please be sure to download the appropriate GPS file to your computer. That rider off the front of the group may not know where he’s going.  Please follow the link to the RwGPS site and download the GPS file appropriate for your computer from there. And print the map/cue sheet. Let’s try to avoid the collapse into one large group because only 1-2 people have the route.

Also note you can download the free RwGPS app to your smart phone, access the route through it and follow the route on your cell phone. See details under “RwGPS app usage”.

See the cue sheet for caution areas.


The main route in blue and the cutoffs for the short route in red. Unfortunately this image is static but this link goes to an interactive version of the route display. Or follow the links below to go to the routes at RwGPS.


Note that not all speed groups may have ride leaders for all routes.

Please be sure to download the appropriate GPS file to your computer. And print the map/cue sheet. Let’s try to avoid the collapse into one large group because only 1-2 people have the route. Also be aware that rider you are following who is off the front of the group may not know where he is going. Protect yourself.

Route names are often reused with minor changes to the route. Do not assume an old map or GPS file reflects the current route.

Portland Velo Saturday rides start at 9:00 AM from Evergreen Park. See the Parking Map.