PV – Saturday Ride Hagg Lake Metric

PV - Saturday Ride Hagg Lake Metric


Saturday – Jul 8, 2023    
9:00 am

Event Type

PV Ride

Note the route was modified on July 4 to avoid construction areas. Please be sure you have downloaded the routes after 10:00 am on July 4.

Read the Club’s liability waiver and understand that your participation in a ride constitutes acceptance of the waiver. The waiver is found here.

Before you join ANY PV ride, read this page which spells out what is expected from you.

If you are not a Portland Velo member and want to join us for a ride, use the Contact page to request links and maps sent via email.

Our second metric of the summer. The forecast is temperature in the 60°F to 75°Fs, a few clouds and light breezes.

Links to the routes and maps: (you must be logged in and have active membership to see this next section)


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Portland Velo Saturday rides start from Evergreen Park. See the Parking Map.