PV – Tuesday Ride

PV - Tuesday Ride


Tuesday – May 30, 2023    
9:30 am

Event Type

PV Ride

Read the Club’s liability waiver and understand that your participation in a ride constitutes acceptance of the waiver. The waiver is found here.

Before you join ANY PV ride, read this page which spells out what is expected from you.

Portland Velo is now posting the mid-week rides on the web site. This route goes from east Portland out to Sandy and back. The route is 56.1 miles and 1,808 ft.

Eric Scharf is leading this ride and plans to go about an 18 mph pace. These rides are cooperative, and we make sure no one’s left behind.

If you are not a Portland Velo member and want to join us for a ride, use the Contact page to request links sent via email.

Link to the route: (you must be logged in and have active membership to see this next section)


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Be sure to read the documents on the Portland Velo website before joining the group for the first time as this ride will follow all the guidelines and rules that are expected on the Saturday Signature Ride. Please be sure to download the appropriate GPS file to your computer. Follow the link to RwGPS site to download the GPS file appropriate for your device from there, you can also print the cue sheet from there. Protect yourself.

Start location is: Mt. Tabor Park at SE Lincoln and SE 64th Ave.